Senin, 23 Agustus 2021

The Mystery of Terror is unraveling at the Pagebluk's Midnight Door.

 The Mystery of Terror is unraveling at the Pagebluk's Midnight Door.

Heboh Teror Lampor & Hantu Ketuk Pintu, Begini Doa Menangkalnya - - Panduan Informasi dan Inspirasi

The dissemination of a frightening film that hits the door of the house at midnight startle Indonesian net-conscious. The inhabitants of Malang and Madura are being attacked by terror.

Actually, a guy named Mawar (pseudonym) from Bangkalan stated five victims had passed away in his neighborhood within one month because he knocked at the door.

"There are just five individuals in my place this month. So it was like a visitor (knocked at the door), it opened, then abruptly it was instantly (dead) tomorrow morning "Thursday (15/7/2021, Mawar said Urbanasia).

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"You don't believe it, that is why you don't. But the fact, even if everyone dies for the cause of Allah, "He said. He added.

Mawar acknowledged herself that her family had knocked at the door as the object of fear. His grandma's house was knocked on at that time. But nobody was at all when his aunt looked.

The local people thought it was likewise an illness that a jinn person called a Tho'un disease transmitted to them.

Is it thus true that a supernatural entity performs the fear of pounding at the door? Can such dread truly bring ill luck to a person who opens the door to the point of sacrificing his life?

The supernatural practiceist, Ki Geni Seketi, was also requested by Urbanasia to explain this phenomena metaphysically. Ki Geni remarked that the knock that a supernatural person contemplated may actually take place. The explanation is that jinn have energy which may produce movement or sound.

"It may happen. Metaphysics, genius energy, may create weird sounds, such as knock at the door of the home, "Thursday (15/7/2021) Ki Geni remarked to Urbanasia.

He refused to let someone who opened the door kill by knock. According to Ki Geni, it is impossible to separate this notion from the human psyche that was combined with previous mythologies.


"This phenomena may therefore rationally be described, from a metaphysical perspective, as how this jinn uses the conditions or riots of the mind itself, which eventually rules the subconscious. The jinn only intervened for fear, but not so long as they were killed. It'll be a thrill, "He remarked. He said.

"Even if someone dies after the door is opened, this is human fate. We never know if this individual is unwell, has a heart (ailment), etc "Padepokan Tapa Pendam's owner remarked.

"To mind, heart and ears the point is back. When we lose the three things, there's no trust there, therefore everything we fear will happen. Increasingly, his subconscious is affected by bad remarks," he added.

Therefore, when there was circulating information about the fear of knocking at the door as part of sacrifices or offers, Ki Geni claimed it was not real, since he stressed that it would be impossible to provide randomly.

"It's not so simple to talk about sacrifices or sacrifices. Full data must be given or the body, even if it dies. No tumbal is known to murder individuals, but, the body is not provided or delivered for the purpose, "At length, he stated.

Ki Geni says that the recent occurrence of knocking on the door is really a myth or narrative made up of a handful of persons who benefit from the epidemic COVID-19 which has claimed many lives.

"This is only a logic I may say it is a myth or a logic that comes from stories since many people die suddenly or have breathlessness or anything during this epidemic. Those whose brains are poisoned by this negativity, might produce something beyond the logic of humanity, knock at the door and keep it open, and no one suddenly dies; "He explained. He explained.

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Ki Geni taught hence that our remarks should always be guarded. Due to the fact that the jinn might utilize these remarks to exploit the circumstance and upset us.

"Be cautious, then, while writing history, I fear that those who are simply affected by terrible words may receive unfavorable suggestions. They wallow in dread and decrease or decrease their good energy. If good energy decreases, jinn or devils like to entice or frighten people, "He's finished.

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Minggu, 22 Agustus 2021

Cara menemukan bahan untuk di share supaya banyak views! Pemula

 Cara menemukan bahan untuk di share supaya banyak views! Pemula

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Biography of Steve Jobs, the Founder of Apple Who Has Extraordinary Ambition

 Biography of Steve Jobs, the Founder of Apple Who Has Extraordinary Ambition

Biografi Steve Jobs - iphone


Everyone may know the name of Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple who is now dead. However, not everyone knows about the life story of this man who once worked as a bottle collector. If you are curious about everything about him, keep reading the biography of Steve Jobs which we present in the following article!

You certainly know the company Apple Inc., right? Well, we will present the biography of Steve Jobs, who is the former president director and founder of the world famous company.

After reading this biography of Steve Jobs, you will know that he was not only a high-ranking Apple executive. He also held a position as an executive officer at Pixar Animation Studios.

Being an important figure in the industry, Steve Jobs did not get it with connections or because of his parents. He really started his career from the ground up until he was finally able to achieve success.

So, are you curious about the personal life and actions of this man from the United States? If yes, then you must listen to the description that we present below!

Personal life

Biografi Steve Jobs - Steve Jobs Muda


Maybe you just know that Steve Jobs was an accomplished and intelligent businessman. Well, if you want to know about his childhood, education, and love story, keep reading Steve Jobs' biography which discusses his personal life below!

1. Steve Jobs' Childhood and Education

Steven “Steve” Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955. His biological father was Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian professor of political science. Meanwhile, his biological mother is Joanne Simpson, an American speech language pathologist.

However, Steve was not raised by his biological parents, but by Paul and Clara Jobs, who adopted him as a child. Besides Steven, Paul and Clara Jobs also adopted a daughter who was later named Patti.

Steven through his middle and high school years at Cupertino Junior High School and Homestead High School which is also in Cupertino, California, United States. During his high school years, he frequently attended lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California. Not only that, Steven was eventually also hired at the company as a summer employee with his friend, Steve Wozniak.

In 1972, Steven graduated from high school and enrolled at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. After studying for a semester, Steven decided to leave and work by returning cola bottles to earn money. For business, he often came to a temple to get food that was distributed free of charge.

In 1974, Steve Jobs returned to his hometown in California and regularly attended the Homebrew Computer Club with Wozniak. Apart from studying with the computer club, he also works as a technician at Atari, a company that makes video games. Steve did the job not without reason, he wanted to save money so he could take a spiritual trip to India.

Finally Steve's hard work paid off. He was finally able to leave for India to visit Neem Karoli Baba with Daniel Kottke, his friend from Reed College. After returning from India, he changed his appearance by shaving his head to bald and wearing typical Indian clothes. In fact, Steve Jobs also firmly embraced Buddhism.

2. Fool Friends

After returning from a trip to India, Steve returned to continue his work as a technician at Atari. At that time, he was assigned to create the circuit board game Breakout. The company promised one hundred US dollars for every TTL chip that Steve was able to remove from the game machine.

Then, Steve invites Wozniak to work together to deal with the chip and promises to split the wages earned in half. After hard work, they were finally able to reduce by 50 chips and Steve was given a salary of 5,000 US dollars.

However, he cheated by telling Wozniak that Atari only gave him $700. So, Wozniak only received half, which is 350 US dollars.

3. Steve Jobs Love Scandal Before Marriage

The love story of big figures always attracts attention, including the love scandal of the former Apple CEO which seems to also be included in this Steve Jobs biography. Yes, in his youth, Steve Jobs was classified as a teenager who often changed lovers.

According to some sources, Steve Jobs was in a relationship with a woman named Joan Baez, Diane Keaton, and a book writer named Lisa Birnbach. However, of all his ex-girlfriends, the most memorable is probably Chrisann Brennan. Yes, in a book called The Bite in The Apple: A Memoir of My Life With Steve Jobs, Brennan reveals the story of his life with Steve Jobs for five years.

In 1972, Steve and Brennan had a love affair until they finally decided to live together in the Cupertino area. Initially, the owners of the house they rented objected to renting out their house. However, with his way, Steve managed to convince the owner of the house.

According to Brennan, when they lived together, Steve had shown his desire to lead by choosing the front room. He also showed selfishness when he decided to occupy a different room with his girlfriend, but ended up moving to the same room because the one occupied by Brennan was more spacious.

As the Apple company grew, Steve became more and more selfish and often grumpy. He will be angry just because of small problems such as when the food he ordered did not come immediately.

As time went on, Steve's orientation began to change, by which time he became more comfortable with his designs. Finally in 1977, Brennan parted ways with Steve. When they separate, something unexpected happens, it turns out that Brennan is pregnant. However, Steve did not want to recognize the baby who was born in 1978 as his son.

In fact, he also hurled hurtful words by saying that 28% of men in the United States could father Brennan's baby. As a result, Brennan had to struggle alone to take care of the child until finally in 1983, Jobs underwent a DNA test and it was proven that the child named Lisa Brennan-Jobs was his daughter.

4. Married Life

Biografi Steve Jobs - Steve Jobs dan Istri


After spending his youth with many women, Steve Jobs' love adventure ended when he met Laurenne Powell in 1989 at Stanford University. At first, Steve was shy when he approached Laurenne, who was still a master's student at that time.

However, after thinking hard enough and wondering if it was his last night, Steve finally got up the courage to take Laurenne out to dinner. Since then, they have been in a relationship as lovers until they finally married a Buddhist priest on March 18, 1991 at The Ahwahnee Hotel, California.

Not long after their marriage, in September 1991, Laurene gave birth to their first son, who was later named Reed Jobs. Followed in 1995 and 1998, Laurene gave birth to their second and third daughters with Steve who were later named Erin and Eve Jobs. Steve and Laurenne's marriage relationship lasted for 20 years and ended with Steve's death in 2011.

Career Journey

Biografi Steve Jobs - Pendiri Apple


As many people know, Steve Jobs was a former high-ranking officer at Apple and Disney. If you are curious, how did he become a successful businessman who is known to the world, keep reading this Steve Jobs biography!

1. The Beginning of Apple Computer Formed

In 1976, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded a company called Apple with funding from Mike Markkula Jr. As the company grew, they recruited Mike Scott from National Semiconductor to become CEO in 1978. However, in the end, the company's condition worsened.

In 1983, Jobs persuaded John Sculley to leave Pepsi-Cola and become the new CEO of Apple. Subsequently, at the annual meeting of Apple shareholders held on January 24, 1984, he introduced the Macintosh to everyone present. Finally, the Macintosh became the first commercially successful small-sized computer with a graphical user interface.

However, towards the end of 1984, a massive industry-wide drop in sales that also took a toll on Apple, shattered his and Sculley's relationship. Then in 1985, following the announcement of massive layoffs, Sculley removed Jobs as Head of the Macintosh Division.

2. Develop NeXT Computer

After his relationship with Apple ended, he began to develop a new computer company called NeXT Computer. Unlike Apple which is marketed to the general public, NeXT is marketed in the scientific and academic fields because it has innovative new technology.

With NeXT, he developed many things, such as an interpersonal computer called the NeXTcube, and an electronic mail system dubbed NeXTMail. According to him, NeXTcube is a computer that can solve various problems that exist in ordinary personal computers. While NeXTMail also achieved success by being one of the first electronic mail that supports graphics and audio.

While developing hardware at NeXT Computer, Jobs was so obsessed with aesthetic perfection that he placed great pressure on the hardware division. Finally, after successfully selling 50,000 machines, in 1993 NeXT turned completely into a software-only company with the launch of NeXTSTEP/Intel.

3. Buying the Forerunner of Disney Pixar

One year after leaving Apple, in 1986, he bought The Graphics Group for 10 million US dollars. The Graphics Group, previously located in San Rafael, California, was later renamed Pixar and relocated to Emeryville, California. At this company, he developed advanced graphics hardware called the Pixar Image Computer.

Good performance apparently does not make this product best-selling in the market. A few years after its creation, then Pixar became famous after collaborating with Disney in producing computer-animated feature films.

The first film that Pixar and Disney collaborated on was Toy Story (1995) which received great acclaim from film critics. After the release of Toy Story, the partnership between Pixar and Disney has also produced animated films with other cool characters, such as A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003), and many more. The cool thing is, some of the films resulting from this collaboration have won the Oscar for the Best Animated Feature category, you know.

Between 2003 and 2004 when the contract between Disney and Pixar finished, Jobs tried to negotiate a contract extension with Disney's then chief executive Michael Eisner. However, talks about a new contract ended in failure.

In October 2005, Bob Iger who replaced Michael Eisner held talks with Jobs about the fate of the relationship between Pixar and Disney. Then on January 24, 2006, Jobs and Iger stated that Disney would buy Pixar with a 7% stake worth the equivalent of 7.5 billion US dollars.

Thus, Jobs became the largest single shareholder of The Walt Disney Company. This number is even greater than the shares owned by Eisner, which only has 1.7%, and Roy E. Disney, which only owns 1%. After the company merger business was completed, Jobs joined the company's board of directors. Not only that, he also helped oversee the combined business of Pixar and Disney by serving on a special supervisory committee.

4. Back to Apple

In 1996, Apple bought NeXT for $429 million. This decision then brought Steve Jobs back to the company he founded with his friends. De facto, Jobs replaced CEO Gil Amelio who was demoted in July.

During his time as CEO, he worked hard to make Apple profit, including by stopping several projects that were considered less profitable, such as Cyberdog, Newton, and OpenDog. He also changed the licensing program for Macintosh clones so that to keep producing them, the makers had to pay more for it.

Because NeXT had been purchased by Apple, some of the technology of the company which was also founded by Jobs went into Apple products, for example NeXTSTEP which later became Mac OS X. Gradually, Apple showed a rapid increase in sales thanks to Jobs' breakthroughs. Finally at Macworld Expo 2000, he set a new policy by making himself permanent CEO.

In 2007, Apple penetrated into the cellular phone business through the iPhone which has a touch screen display. To meet market demands, he also always tries to innovate his products, because according to him a sophisticated product must also have an attractive design.

5. Resigning as CEO of Apple

Establishing himself as a permanent CEO in 2000, Steve Jobs finally decided to resign in 2011. Yes, this is the end of the career journey of the Apple CEO in this Steve Jobs biography.

However, he stated that he would remain as chairman of the company's board. Unfortunately, shortly after the announcement of the resignation, Apple's stock fell by 5%.

Not only Apple's stock, apparently Jobs' decision also had an impact on Walt Disney's shares, which fell by 1.5%. However, it can't be helped, the decision was made because of his deteriorating health condition.


Thanks to his success in the field of technology, Steve Jobs has received awards from various parties. Curious about anything? Here we have summarized the information in this Steve Jobs biography!

The first award he received was the National Medal of Technology in 1985 given by President Ronald Reagan. Not alone, he received the award with his best friend, Steve Wozniak. In 1987, he received another award, this time from the Jefferson Award for Public Service in the category of Best Public Service by an Individual Under 35 Years of Age.

After his success with Apple, on November 27, 2007, Fortune Magazine awarded him the title of Strongest Business Figure. Then on December 5 of the same year, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was then Governor of California, entered Jobs' name into the California Hall of Fame at The California Museum for History, Women and the Arts.

Then in August 2009, based on a survey conducted by Junior Achievement, he was chosen as the most admired entrepreneur among teenagers. On November 5, 2009, Fortune Magazine awarded Jobs the title CEO of the Decade.

That November, Steve Jobs was ranked 57th in Forbes: The World's Most Powerful People. One year later, in December 2010, the Financial Times awarded him the Person of the Year title. After his resignation as CEO of Apple, Jobs was considered the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford of his time.

Health problems

In 2004, Jobs shockingly announced to Apple employees that he had neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. That same year, July to be exact, he underwent the Whipple procedure which finally succeeded in eliminating the tumor. Feeling healthy, Jobs did not do chemotherapy like cancer patients in general.

In early August 2006, his emaciated appearance at the Worldwide Developers Conference made people think that Jobs' health was still in trouble. However, an Apple spokesperson denied this and said that the CEO was fine.

Two years later, at the same conference, he reappeared with an appearance that did not look fine. However, the New York Times later published an article stating that although Jobs was sick, his illness was not life-threatening. This information was obtained by the New York Times after having a conversation with Jobs via telephone.

On January 14, 2009, he announced he would be taking a six-month leave of absence due to a health condition which he said was "more complicated than imagined". During the leave, the position of CEO was temporarily occupied by Tim Cook. However, he is still involved with major strategic decisions. Three months after announcing his leave, in April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant procedure at the Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute in Memphis, Tennessee.

Two years after his liver transplant surgery, namely on August 24, 2011, Jobs officially resigned. In his letter, he stated that he could no longer carry out his duties and work as CEO of Apple.

Death of Steve Jobs

Biografi Steve Jobs - Steve Jobs Meninggal


This is the end of Steve Jobs' journey which is also the end of this biography. He died on October 5, 2011 of neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. Yes, less than two months after his resignation as CEO of Apple.

He is survived by Laurene Powell and their three sons and daughter and Lisa Brennan-Jobs, the daughter of his love with Chrisann Brennan. The news of the death of Steve Jobs at that time really shocked the public until a number of major newspapers reported about his death on the front page.

Not only that, a number of world figures also gave statements to respond to the death of Steve Jobs. Some of them, namely United States President Barack Obama, Bill Gates of Microsoft, and Bob Iger of The Walt Disney Company.

Lessons Learned from Steve Jobs' Biography

That was the profile and biography of Steve Jobs that presents the story of the journey of the founder of Apple, Inc. complete, starting from his personal life, career, to the last moments of his life. Are you satisfied with the dish above?

There are many lessons to be learned from this Steve Jobs biography. One of them, you come to understand that there is no instant success. You have to go up and down first if you want to be a great person.

Not only that, by reading Steve Jobs' biography above, you can understand that no human being in his life always feels happiness. Because it turns out, great people like Steve have experienced difficult times that made him slump.

Well, that's the life story of Steve Jobs.

if there is a writing error or the source of what I show, I personally apologize profusely.

Thank you.

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2021

Biography of Albert Einstein, the Inventor of the Theory of Relativity


Biography of Albert Einstein, the Inventor of the Theory of Relativity

Biografi ALbert Einstein - Einstein Saat Tua
Source: Wikipedia. org

Who doesn't know the genius physicist Albert Einstein? Well, if you are curious about the full profile of the scientist, starting from his personal life, his cool discoveries, to the controversy about him, check out Albert Einstein's biography in this article!

Albert Einstein is a scientist who is so global that there is probably almost no human on earth who has never heard of his name. However, many also only know the name without knowing more about Albert Einstein. Well, that's why this Albert Einstein biographical article is here.

Here, you can get interesting information about this quirky scientist. Not only about his findings, but also about his achievements and personal life.

Surely you are curious, right, about how the genius Albert Einstein was as a child and teenager. Apart from him, maybe you will also be curious about the love and household life of this man who is estimated to have an IQ of around 160.

So how? Are you looking forward to reading the full profile and biography of Albert Einstein? If so, what are you waiting for? Come on, immediately see in the following description!

Personal life

Biografi Albert Einsten - Einstein Saat Kecil
Source: Wikipedia. org

Most people only know Albert Einstein from his discoveries that are very useful for science. Many don't know about Einstein outside of his profile as a famous scientist. However, in the following review you can find out about Einstein's personal life. So, read on for this Albert Einstein biography, OK!

1. Childhood
Let's start this biography of Albert Einstein with the time of his birth. Yes, this genius scientist was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire to Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch. When Albert was born, his father, Hermann Einstein, worked as a feather bed dealer.

In 1880, the Einstein family moved to Munich, where Albert Einstein's father and uncle named Jacob founded the Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, a factory that produced electrical equipment.

At the age of five, Albert Einstein was educated by his parents at the Munich Catholic Elementary School. And at the wish of his mother who is a piano player, Einstein included violin lessons.

However, he only lasted three years at the school. At the age of eight, Albert was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium which was also where he studied at the junior and senior high school levels.

2. Ever Considered Autistic
As a child, Albert was considered a stupid and autistic child because his speech ability was not like other children in general. He also has a quiet character and likes to play alone.

Not only that, until the age of seven Einstein was still angry and threw things at the people around him. In fact, his younger brother, Maja Einstein, who was born in November 1881 did not escape being the target of Albert's anger.

3. Albert's Interests in Physics and Mathematics
Albert Einstein's interest in physics began to appear at the age of five. At that time, little Albert was lying weak because of the illness he was suffering from. To cheer him up, his father then gave him a gift in the form of a pocket compass. At that time, Albert who was very fascinated by the compass realized that there was something unique and made him intrigued to know more about the object.

Yes, at that time Albert was still a grumpy child and had not been able to control his emotions. However, you need to know, he is a child who excels and is always able to become the class champion in his school.

As he gets older, Albert's abilities look even more amazing. At the age of 12, he studied algebra and Euclidean geometry on his own until he was finally able to prove himself the truth of the Pythagorean Theorem.

Albert's love for Geometry and Algebra led him to believe that this world can be understood through the structure of Mathematics. To make it happen, he continued to study and study until at the age of 14, Albert had mastered Integral and Differential Calculus.

Unfortunately, when Albert was 15 years old, in 1894, his father's company lost the tender for the project to supply electric lighting to the city of Munich. This defeat was due to the lack of capital to change the standard direct current (DC) equipment into an alternating current (AC) standard which is considered more efficient.

Apparently the failure of the Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie in winning the tender had a big impact. The factory had to be sold to cover the losses. As a result, the Einstein family had to move to Italy to find other businesses. However, at that time Albert had to live in Munich because he was still studying at the Luitpold Gymnasium.

Albert's final years at the Luitpold Gymnasium were apparently not as smooth as expected. He began to get annoyed with the learning system that ordered students to memorize so much material. According to Albert, so much memorization actually kills his creativity. He was so upset that he reasoned he was sick and handed over a doctor's letter to the school just so he could catch up with his parents in Italy.

4. Adolescence
At the age of 16, Albert took the entrance examination at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zürich. He failed to achieve the minimum required score on the general knowledge exam, but surprisingly, Albert scored extraordinarily well in the Physics and Mathematics exams. Therefore, at the suggestion of the head of the polytechnic, he enrolled at the Argovian Gymnasium in Aarau, Switzerland to complete his high school education and prepare himself for college.

In January 1896, Albert renounced his German citizenship with the consent of his father. This was done in order to avoid conscription which was then imposed by Germany. Not in vain, thanks to his perseverance in the field of science, in September 1896, Albert successfully completed the Swiss Matura exam (the final exam for high school students) with a satisfactory score. Finally, at the age of 17, he was accepted into the D IV Mathematics and Physics Education program at the Zürich Polytechnic.

5. Romance Life

Biografi Albert Einsten - Einstein dan Mileva Maric

Source: Wikipedia. org

While in Switzerland, Albert lived with Professor Jost Winteler until he finally fell in love with Winteler's daughter, Marie. However, Albert's love story with Marie who was a year older than him did not continue because Marie moved to Olsberg, Switzerland to teach. In fact, it was Maja Einstein who married Paul, son of Jost Winteler.

While studying at the Zürich Polytechnic, Albert formed a friendship with Mileva Marić, the only woman out of six students in the D IV Mathematics and Physics Education program. However, over time, Albert's friendship with Mileva from Serbia turned into a love affair.

In 1900, Albert successfully completed his education and was awarded a teaching degree by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule. Not only that, he was also accepted as a Swiss citizen in 1901.

During this time, he was still intensely in love with Mileva until in 1902 their daughter, Lieserl, was born. However, at that time Lieserl's birth was considered illegal because her parents were not married. Until now, no one knew about Lieserl's fate. Some say Lieserl was adopted, but there are also those who say that Albert's first daughter died in infancy due to dengue fever.

After that, Albert and Mileva finally married in January 1903. In May 1904, their first son was born, who was later named Hans Albert Einstein. Six years later, in July 1910, Mileva gave birth to a second son, Eudard Einstein.

6. Affair Scandal
This biography of course contains not only the greatness of Albert Einstein, but also his scandals. Yes, despite his success as an inventor, apparently Albert's love life is full of scandals.

When Mileva was pregnant with her second son, Albert often wrote letters to his first love, Marie Winteler, about his unhappy marriage and how much he loved Marie.

However, Mileva and Albert's household was not destroyed because of Marie, but because of Albert's cousin, Elsa Löwenthal. Albert and Elsa have been in an illicit relationship since 1912. At that time, both Albert and Elsa still had legal partners.

Unable to stand these conditions, Albert also filed for divorce from Mileva. However, Mileva refuses and wants her household with Albert to remain intact. Albert then agreed to stay with Mileva as long as his wife promised to wash clothes, clean the house, provide three meals a day in her room, not to ask for physical intercourse, and not to open her mouth unless asked by Albert.

Even though all the requirements from her husband were strange, Mileva agreed. However, the agreement did not last long because in the end, Mileva and Albert divorced on February 14, 1919.

After his divorce from Mileva, Albert had thought of marrying Elsa's daughter, Ilse, as a substitute for Elsa, who at that time was still the wife of Max Löwenthal. However, the plan did not materialize because four months after her divorce from Mileva, Elsa also divorced her husband.

Finally, Albert's desire to unite with Elsa was realized with their wedding which was held in 1919. Albert's second marriage lasted until Elsa died in December 1936 of heart and kidney disease.

Albert Einstein's Great Inventions

Biografi Albert Einsten - Einstein Mendapatkan Sambutan

Albert Einstein's name, which is very well known to the world's public, is certainly not without reason. With his intelligence above average, Einstein managed to produce discoveries that are very useful for today's science. Curious what are the discoveries that made Albert Einstein famous? Check out the following explanation!

1. Theory of Relativity
The first theory as well as the most famous in Albert Einstein's biography is the Theory of Relativity which is divided into two, namely General Relativity and Special Relativity. The Special Theory of Relativity which shifted Newton's opinion about space and time and included electromagnetism as written in Maxwell's equations was introduced by Einstein in 1905. His theory is called special because it only applies to the principle of relativity in certain cases.

A few years after spawning the Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein coined the General Theory of Relativity, precisely in 1916. In his theory this time, Einstein united the Special Theory of Relativity with Newton's Law of Gravity. According to Einstein, gravity is not a force, but a manifestation of the curvature of space and time which is directly related to mass energy and linear momentum. This relationship is described by the Einstein Field Equation.

The theory of relativity became a bridge for the discovery of other theories, such as Simultaneous Relativity, Time Dilation, Relativistic Period, Long Contraction, Mass-Energy Equivalence which resulted in the formula E = mc2, and limited maximum speed.

2. Photoelectric Effect
The Photoelectric Effect was previously known as the Hertz Effect (now deprecated). The profiteering of Hertz's name cannot be separated from the services of Heinrich Rudolf Hertz who showed that electrodes illuminated with ultraviolet light would more easily create electric sparks. However, Einstein was later able to explain the Photoelectric Effect mathematically.

Einstein revealed that the Photoelectric Effect is an event of the emergence of an electric current or the release of negatively charged electrons from the surface of a metal due to the metal surface being irradiated with a beam of light that has a certain wavelength or frequency.

3. Move Brown
In fact, this theory was first proposed by a Scottish botanist named Robert Brown in 1827. Brown, who observed some particles using a microscope, later found that the movement of particles was getting faster the higher the temperature was.

However, Brownian Motion is better known to the world community because Albert Einstein published a paper discussing it in 1905. In that paper, Einstein stated that a microscopic particle floating in a medium will show random motion because of the many collisions caused by molecules. molecules on unequal sides of the particle.

This is what makes colloidal particles move in the same direction as the resultant vector of the forces acting on the colloidal particles. Einstein's opinion about Brownian motion was finally proven true by Jean Periin, a scientist from France.

4. Bose-Einstein Stats
This theory was originally developed by Satyendra Nath Bose in 1924 to 1925. The idea was later adopted and further expanded by Einstein in collaboration with Bose.

The Bose-Einstein statistic states that one of two possible ways in which a set of commensurate, non-interacting particles can occupy a set of discrete energy states available at thermodynamic equilibrium.

Many people often associate the Bose-Einstein Statistics with the Maxwell-Boltzman Statistics. Though the two have specific differences. Bose-Einstein statistics regulate identical particles that are indistinguishable, even though they can be counted. While Maxwell Boltzmann statistics arrange identical particles that can be distinguished in a certain way.

5. Wormhole Model
The Einstein-Rosen Bridge or also known as the Wormhole Model is the result of Albert Einstein's collaboration with a scientist named Nathan Rosen. In this model it is stated that if one end of the wormhole is positively charged, the other end will be negatively charged. With this invention, particle and antiparticle pairs can be explained.

Get Nobel
One more thing that must and must be included in Albert Einstein's biography, namely the Nobel Prize in Physics that was obtained by this scientist born in 1879. You might think that this Nobel Prize was earned thanks to his popular Theory of Relativity. However, it was not true because at that time the Theory of Relativity was still considered controversial.

In 1922, Albert was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the Photoelectric Effect. However, since he was currently on a visit to the East Asia Region, the receiving process

In 1922, Albert was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the Photoelectric Effect. However, because at that time he was on a visit to the East Asia Region, the admission process was represented by a German diplomat. In his speech, the diplomat expressed his admiration for Albert who not only plays a role as a scientist, but also as a peace fighter and international activist.

So Love Music

Biografi Albert Einsten - Bermain Biola

When you read this biography of Albert Einstein, you will understand that this genius scientist did not only love physics and mathematics, but also music. How not, the blood of art also flows through Albert's body through his mother who is a pianist.

In a journal he wrote, Albert stated that if he did not become a physicist, then he would become a musician. At the age of 13, Albert became enamored with Mozart's musical compositions and learned to play an instrument by himself.

When he was 17 years old, his violin playing was heard by the school superintendent in Aarau. The supervisor then said that Albert showed a very great talent with his extraordinary musical playing.

Political and Religious Views
Being a genius scientist who is interested in the fields of Physics and Mathematics does not make Albert forget about politics. The proof, he once wrote an essay entitled Why Socialism?.

Yes, Albert is indeed more inclined to socialism and does not like capitalism which tends to make the rich more prosperous and the poor more miserable. Thanks to his views on politics, he is often offered to attend discussions that are actually completely unrelated to the fields of Physics or Mathematics.

Well, regarding his views on religion, Albert stated that he was a very religious non-religious person. He also expressed his distrust in the afterlife because according to Albert, one life was enough.

However, he seems to be very active with movements related to Judaism. This could be due to the influence of Albert's parents, who are Ashkenazi Jews.

In 1921, at the request of Chaim Weizmann who was chairman of the World Zionist Organization, Albert began to help raise funds for the establishment of a Jewish university. Finally, in 1925 the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was established. Thanks to his services, Albert was appointed as one of the first Board of Governors at the college.

When Israel was founded on May 14, 1948, Chaim Weizmann was asked to become its first president. However, after only four years in office, Weizmann died in November 1952. At that time, Albert Einstein was offered to become the new President of Israel. However, Albert refused and said that he was deeply moved as well as sad and ashamed because he could not accept it.

Einstein's Regret
Biografi Albert Einsten - Bom Atom Hiroshima dan Nagasaki

It turns out that the great discoveries of Albert Einstein that we have mentioned in this biography were not only beneficial, but also disastrous. In 1920, Albert Einstein, who was still living in Berlin, conducted research with Leo Szillard, a Hungarian physicist. They developed an energy efficient refrigerator.

The product they developed was never marketed, but in 1933 Szillard reviewed the research and discovered the nuclear chain reaction. Convinced that German scientists would use it to make nuclear weapons, Szillard went to Einstein and asked him to warn the then President of the United States (by) Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Einstein was surprised and did not expect that his Special Theory of Relativity could be the working principle of the atomic bomb. Worried that Germany would destroy the world, Einstein then wrote a letter to President Roosevelt and finally agreed to help the American research and development of nuclear bombs. However, Einstein had to endure a lifetime of regret because America actually used the atomic bomb to conquer Japan.

In several biographies that write about Albert Einstein, it is stated that this genius scientist was very sorry for writing a letter to President Roosevelt explaining the atomic bomb. Because, even though the atomic bombing finally ended World War II, many Japanese civilians died because of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.

The Death of the Great Scientist
Albert Einstein had suffered from an abdominal aortic aneurysm in 1948, but was successfully treated through surgery by Doctor Rudolph Nissen. However, on April 17, 1955, Einstein's abdominal aortic aneurysm ruptured, causing bleeding.

Despite having a life-threatening condition, he refused surgery. At that time, he said, “I want to go when I want to. It's tasteless to prolong life unnaturally. I have finished my business, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.”

The next day, on April 18, 1955, Albert Einstein died at the age of 76 at Princeton Hospital, New Jersey, United States. However, his body was not put to rest because Princeton Hospital pathologist, Thomas Stoltz Harvey, took Albert's brain to be preserved and studied. While his body was cremated and his ashes scattered in an undisclosed location. This is the end of Albert Einstein's journey as well as the end of his biography.

Lessons to be Taken from Albert Einstein's Biography
That was Albert Einstein's biography that presented the life story of the great German scientist who received the title of Person of the Century from Time Magazine. Are you satisfied with the information above?

There are various lessons that can be drawn from this biography of Albert Einstein. One of them, you come to know that the life path of a great person is not always smooth. As the saying goes, the taller a tree is, the stronger the wind will be.

Well, if you want to know more about the link, you can open the link below.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2021


Sonny Chiba, martial arts star of 'Kill Bill,' dies of Covid-19 complications

Japanese actor Sonny Chiba, an icon in martial arts cinema, has died of Covid-19 complications.
Japanese actor Sonny Chiba, an icon in martial arts cinema, has died of Covid-19 complications.

(CNN)Shin'ichi "Sonny" Chiba's fighting style was less balletic than it was breathtakingly brutal.

Chiba, a star of martial arts cinema in his native Japan, made his name by landing heart-stopping punches and stabbing fictional foes in the throats with only his fingers. His relentlessness onscreen inspired action auteurs like director Quentin Tarantino and actor Keanu Reeves to emulate his style in their own works -- and thrilled viewers when they weren't covering their eyes.
Chiba, a ferociously talented martial artist whose international renown grew with films like "The Street Fighter" and "Kill Bill" series, died this week from Covid-19 complications, his representative Timothy Beal confirmed to CNN. Chiba was 82.

    His fighting style earned him famous admirers

      Chiba, born Sadaho Maeda, got his start in martial arts by training with Mas Oyama, considered a master of karate. And master it, Chiba did -- he earned several black belts during his time under Oyama's wing, according to Variety. He wouldn't show off his martial arts skills onscreen until 1973, in the film "Karate Kiba."
      Comparisons to famed Hong Kong American martial artist Bruce Lee were inevitable. But Chiba's distinct fighting style was unlike anything Lee attempted. Chiba went ballistic on his enemies and appeared to use more force to land his blows, a method that de-emphasized the choreographed nature of his cinematic spars. And his characters almost always killed his opponents.
      Sonny Chiba as Hattori Hanzo in Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill: Vol. 1."
      Sonny Chiba as Hattori Hanzo in Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill: Vol. 1."

      Any similarities to Lee were squashed with the 1974 release of the shockingly violent international crossover hit "The Street Fighter," in which Chiba, as martial arts mercenary Takuma Tsurugi, socks a man hard enough to make him lose several teeth, and crushes another man's skull. Chiba's protagonists were ruthless antiheroes who were willing to spill blood, a character trait that informs many contemporary action films.
      "For me, the most enjoyable role to play is the bad guy," he said in a 2007 interview with UK TV personality Jonathan Ross. He gushed that one particularly brutal scene that cut to an X-ray of a skull after Chiba's character smashed it was his idea, a workaround to show the damage of a blow without attempting the blow itself, he said.
      Chiba's style earned him famous fans like Tarantino, who first referenced the great martial artist in the 1993 film, "True Romance," for which he penned the screenplay. Chiba would later appear in both of the director's "Kill Bill" films.
      In "True Romance," Christian Slater's Clarence Worley calls Chiba "bar none, the greatest actor working in martial arts movies today."

      He was kinder than his fearsome film roles let on

      Chiba had a prolific career in film and TV, with more than 200 credits on IMDb. Western audiences may have seen him in 2006's "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift," in which he played a ruthless Yakuza boss, but most of the films and series he made in the latter part of his career were Japan releases.
      Chiba had another film in the works before his death, said Beal, his representative, in an email to CNN. Despite what his adversarial roles would have audiences believe, though, Chiba was a "humble , caring and friendly man," Beal said.

      Quentin Tarantino (left) sang Chiba's praises in his films.
      Quentin Tarantino (left) sang Chiba's praises in his films.

      That was evident in a 2015 interview with Keanu Reeves. The action star of "The Matrix" and "John Wick" told a Japanese media outlet that Chiba was one of the greatest actors of martial arts cinema. Chiba then surprised Reeves during the interview and praised "John Wick," visibly delighting Reeves.
        "Character and action ... you brought together," Reeves told him. "There was always heart to [Chiba's characters.]"
        Chiba joked that he could learn a thing or two from Reeves, even though Chiba arguably created the blueprint artists like Reeves tried to follow for decades. Chiba, as Takuma Tsurugi, ripped throats out with his bare hands before Reeves, as John Wick, could creatively kill adversaries with a well-placed pencil. He never made it look easy -- his characters' faces betrayed the pain he felt as often as he dealt out pain to his enemies -- but the ambivalent tone he struck in his performances inspired much of the action fare viewers today love.

        A Trump-era policy that shut out top Chinese students could be hurting America more than Beijing


        A Trump-era policy that shut out top Chinese students could be hurting America more than Beijing

        Updated 0303 GMT (1103 HKT) August 10, 2021

        Hong Kong (CNN)When Dennis Hu came home to China for the 2020 Lunar New Year, he thought it would be a brief visit. He planned to enjoy the festivities with his family, renew his United States visa, and then head back to Boston to continue the fourth year of his doctorate in computer science at Northeastern University.

        But a year and a half later, he's still stuck -- and he has no idea when he'll be able to return to the US.
        Hu is one of more than 1,000 Chinese students who spent years working toward studying at a US university, only to have their studies stalled, first by Covid and then by an ambiguously worded visa ban imposed under the Trump administration.
        Faced with the perceived threat of Chinese students conducting espionage on US soil amid heightened tensions with China, then-US President Donald Trump introduced the ban that effectively prevents graduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students from several Chinese universities from gaining visas to the US, the world's biggest research hub.
        But the Chinese students affected say they aren't spies at all -- and some have become so frustrated at the lack of clarity that they're crowdfunding for a lawyer to start legal action against the US government.
        "The ban is based on a simple presumption: If you have been to a certain school, you will be targeted and labeled as a spy," Hu said. "I think it's a policy of discrimination based on nationality.
        "The combination of the (ban) and the pandemic have led to a complete derailing of (students') studies, their careers and their lives."
        Dennis Hu in Boston, United States.
        Dennis Hu in Boston, United States.

        Experts say the issue goes far beyond the individual students who are directly impacted, warning that shutting out international graduate students who contribute to important STEM studies could have implications for the quality of American research.
        It could also impact the ability of US institutions to recruit Chinese students, and exacerbate the already-fraught relations between the two countries.

        Covid and a visa ban

        For the first few months of last year, a US travel ban to stop the rapid spread of Covid prevented Hu from returning to the US from his hometown in China.
        Then, last May, Hu's problem turned political.
        For years, US intelligence has warned that China is using student spies to steal American secrets. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), an independent think tank, says recruiting students is part of China's military-civil fusion strategy of using civilians to boost its military power, something that has been increasing in the past decade.
        "The ban is based on a simple presumption: If you have been to a certain school, you will be targeted and labeled as a spy. I think it's a policy of discrimination based on nationality."Dennis Hu
        With more than 370,000 Chinese students in the US -- almost twice as many as any other source country -- US authorities are faced with a major dilemma: how to strike the balance between protecting America's open academic environment and mitigating the risk to national security.
        "It is legitimate to be concerned about vulnerabilities within universities," said Robert Daly, the director of the Wilson Center's Kissinger Institute on China and the United States and a former US diplomat in Beijing. But, he adds, it has to be measured against the "enormous benefit we've had from the brain drain contribution of Chinese students and scholars over the past 40 years in the United States."
        Beijing has called claims of student espionage "groundless," arguing that "unsubstantiated" accusations are a type of bigotry and discrimination that will ultimately damage US interests.
        Undeterred, Trump signed a presidential proclamation in May last year clamping down on visas for students with perceived military ties.
        Donald Trump holds a news conference on China in the Rose Garden of the White House on May 29, 2020.
        Donald Trump holds a news conference on China in the Rose Garden of the White House on May 29, 2020.

        The proclamation -- which Beijing slammed as "political persecution" -- claimed China is engaged in a "wide-ranging and heavily resourced campaign" to acquire sensitive US technologies and intellectual property, partly to bolster the Chinese military's modernization and capability.
        The proclamation didn't specify who would be banned, but Hu was worried. He had studied for his undergrad at Northwestern Polytechnic University -- one of seven leading universities administered by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) whose portfolio includes China's defense industry.
        With the virus raging and travel bans in place, Hu opted to delay his studies by a year. Hu, like other students, hoped Trump's challenger Joe Biden would be elected and rescind the proclamation, widely known as the PP10043.
        But while the Biden administration resumed issuing student visas to Chinese nationals in May, it has continued to defend the proclamation. This month, a US State Department spokesperson told CNN the policy is "narrowly targeted" as it affects less than 2% of Chinese student visa applicants and is needed to protect US research enterprise and national security interests.
        That leaves Hu in limbo. If he applies for a new US visa, he fears he'll be asked about his university record and then rejected under PP10043.

        Students caught out

        It took Kerry Fang years of study before he was accepted to a PhD program at the University of California, Davis, on a full scholarship, and only 10 minutes for his dream to end at the US Consulate General in Shanghai last month.
        Initially, Fang tried to play down that he had studied at a college linked to China's military. After all, it was seven years ago, and he had letters of support from his US university.
        But as the staffer at the US consulate pressed him for answers, the 30-year-old admitted he'd studied at Harbin Engineering University, another leading university affiliated with China's MIIT. The staffer talked with her supervisor, then began typing.
        A few minutes later, he said she handed him a refusal form and told him: "Because of the presidential ban, you cannot get a visa now."
        "I graduated from university seven years ago, and the ban still won't let me go," Fang said. "If the US wants to target China, it should not target a specific group of people, and it should give the power to the visa officer, so that the officer can make his own judgment, rather than doing it in this broad brushstroke manner."
        The US Consulate in Shanghai, China, on July 23, 2020.
        The US Consulate in Shanghai, China, on July 23, 2020.
        Wan -- who CNN is only referring to by his last name due to his fear of repercussions -- had a similar experience when he went to apply for his visa in May to pursue a Master's degree in electrical and computer engineering. The 24-year-old knew Trump had signed something related to Chinese students the year before, but he didn't think it would impact him.
        Wan was only asked two questions at the consulate in Guangzhou: where had he gone to undergraduate school, and what was his major.
        Once the visa officer heard the name of his school -- Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, another MIIT-affiliated university -- her facial expression changed, he said. She stopped asking questions and kept typing. After a minute or two, she told him his visa was rejected and handed him a piece of paper stamped with the same code: "PP10043."

        Are the students spies?

        Since the policy was imposed in May last year, at least 1,000 students have been banned under the proclamation, the US State Department said last year. The State Department has not replied to CNN's request for updated figures on students affected.
        Some were refused a visa, while others had their visas revoked and were expelled from the US. Many others may have decided not to apply for a visa due to the ban
        China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged the US to withdraw its visa restrictions. Last month, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian expressed "grave concern" that some Chinese visa applications had been denied.
        "They are of great significance to enhancing mutual understanding between the two peoples and promoting the steady development of China-US ties," Zhao said, adding the US visa restrictions "carry on a poisonous legacy of the Trump administration and run counter to the US statement of 'welcoming Chinese students.'"
        Chinese officials raised the US visa issue at recent high-level talks with US counterparts in Tianjin, according to Chinese state media.
        US intelligence warns China is using student spies to steal secrets
        China's denials are in part undermined by several cases of espionage prosecuted in the US. In recent years, for instance, student Zaosong Zheng was charged with attempting to smuggle biological research to China, and Chinese electrical engineering student Ji Chaoqun was indicted by a grand jury, accused of acting as an illegal agent.
        Institutions with strong military and security links are "disproportionately implicated in theft and espionage," according to a 2019 Australian Strategic Policy Institute report.
        But the US has tended to overstate the threat, said Daly from Wilson Center's Kissinger Institute on China and the United States. The Department of Justice said it does not track data on cases according to race, ethnicity or nationality. And there have also been a number of high-profile botched prosecutions of Chinese students on espionage-related charges -- last month, for instance, US prosecutors asked a judge to dismiss a case against a Chinese researcher accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military on her visa application, Associated Press reported.
        While Chinese espionage is undoubtedly taking place on US soil, the current policy is arbitrary and sweeping, said Eric Fish, author of "China's Millennials: The Want Generation." The universities being targeted aren't military universities per se -- they are civilian universities with thousands of students, most of whom have nothing to do with the military, he added.
        "(US authorities are) really using a giant machete where they could be using a scalpel," Fish said.

        "(US authorities are) really using a giant machete where they could be using a scalpel."Eric Fish

        While Fish doesn't think Biden would have initiated the policy, the tense US-China relationship means it might not be a politically savvy time to reverse it.
        "If Biden were to rescind this, he would leave himself wide open to attacks from Republicans about being too soft on China, about throwing the door open to Chinese espionage, even though that's not really what the situation is," Fish said.
        To Hu's friend Matthew Jagielski, a PhD graduate from Northeastern University, the thought of Hu being a spy is laughable.
        "I definitely don't get the impression that his research is a military sensitive thing. I also don't get the impression that he is a person trying to sneak in or anything," he said. "He was very much a staple of the lab ... It's just really unfortunate."

        The cost of shutting out students

        It's not just Chinese students missing out. The Trump-era policy could impact the quality of US research as well, experts say.
        Although the students affected make up only a tiny proportion of Chinese students overall, they're doing some of the most critical research. An estimated 16% of STEM graduate students in the US are Chinese nationals. About a third of top-tier AI researchers did their undergraduate degrees in China, but more than half of them went on to study, work and live in the US, according to Macro Polo, a Chicago-based think tank.
        "What you're doing is you're keeping out thousands of very high-value Chinese students in very valuable fields that contribute a lot to American research, that contribute a lot to these labs," Fish said.
        Hu's friend Jagielski puts it simply: "If you have fewer grad students, it means that less research is being done.
        That worries US universities. Though Northeastern, Hu's university, said it couldn't comment on specific students, the university chancellor sent a letter to Chinese international students last year, saying it would "challenge shortsighted policies." In May, the vice provost for international affairs at prestigious Cornell University, Wendy Wolford, wrote to the US Secretary of State, criticizing the "highly charged and ambiguous atmosphere for students."
        "Maintaining the flow of international students to the United States is necessary to both retaining our global preeminence and building stronger cultural and political bridges to the rest of the world," Wolford wrote.

        "We're telling the world's biggest talent pool that it is an unwelcome or despised class in the United States, and that harms the American innovation system."Robert Daly

        Fang, for instance, was set to research the International Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor, with the aim of "developing clean energy for the future use of all mankind," he said.
        Hu, ironically, was researching algorithm auditing in a bid to make Google search results more equal. "No matter what ethnicity you are, regardless of men and women, you get this kind of fair and friendly results," he said. "Even if I am studying at a US university, people all over the world can read my paper. So, from this point of view, even though I am in the US, in some sense I am also contributing to China and the world."
        And the US's loss is China's gain. In fact, says Fish, the US policy is helping China do what it's been trying to accomplish for years -- draw its top talent back home.
        In recent years, China's universities have been amping up their research capabilities in an attempt to lure top researchers. But while China's research output is improving, the US remains the world's research power house, meaning it's able to attract top global talent.
        Chinese students spend billions overseas. Coronavirus travel bans will leave some countries seriously out of pocket

        "One of the greatest sources of American power is that we still have the best universities in the world that attracts the top talent," Daly said. "And the excellence of our universities depends on openness and internationalization."
        "China's attractiveness to talents is now gradually catching up with the United States, because China is a country that is becoming more and more attractive to talent in terms of economic strength," Fang said. "If the United States does not maintain the academic superiority, this part of the international talent will be lost, and the lost talent may go to China."
        While concerns about espionage are legitimate, the scale of the threat is unclear -- and that makes it difficult to balance the potential loss of US intelligence against the benefit of Chinese students.
        "It's not that there's no issue -- the concerns, given everything we know about China, are legitimate," said Daly, the former US diplomat in Beijing, adding it would be better to target students from sensitive sub-disciplines, rather than going after perceived military links.
        "We're telling the world's biggest talent pool that it is an unwelcome or despised class in the United States, and that harms the American innovation system," Daly said. "There will always be vulnerabilities there, but our goal is to manage them and reduce them -- not eliminate them entirely. Eliminating all vulnerabilities is shutting ourselves off from the world's biggest talent pool."

        What will happen next

        Some politicians in the US, however, are pushing for even tougher rules.
        Republican Senator Tom Cotton has introduced a bill restricting Chinese national graduate and postgraduate students in STEM fields, claiming it would "secure American research from Chinese Communist Party espionage and influence."
        "The congressman's rhetoric is reinforcing the hatred of Asians and Chinese," Hu said.
        Faced with uncertainty over the ban, some students are giving up on the US altogether, and heading to Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore or Hong Kong. Wan is one of them -- he's now hoping to get to Australia in the spring. If he can, he says PP10043 will have only wasted six months of his life.
        "I just can't afford wasting a year or two on this just because of the US visa restriction," he said, adding that he resigned from his job in Nanjing because he thought he would be able to go to the US. "If the time is wasted, it's a waste of youth."
        Dennis Hu in Boston, US.
        Dennis Hu in Boston, US.

        Some say fewer Chinese students arriving in the US will reduce cross-cultural understanding at a time when it is needed most.
        The move could also alienate prospective students disturbed by the discrimination Chinese students face in the US and the suspicion clouding the US-China relationship.
        "I really think when you weigh the miniscule amount of espionage that this might be preventing against the massive competitive disadvantage the US is putting itself at with this, really it's a very counterproductive move," Fish said.
        "A lot of these students kind of look at the US with wide eyes before coming over, thinking it's the land of the free -- it's where the top scientists in the world train. And then they get here and they encounter a very uncertain status. I think they go back home with very negative feelings towards the US that they didn't have before."
        That's the feeling for Hu, who is still stuck waiting for something to change.
        "I feel quite sad. I think we are a group of very serious researchers, but we are being unjustifiably accused and even framed," he said. "This ban won't guarantee national security for the US -- instead it will endanger America's academic prestige."
          Correction: An earlier version of this story misstated where the consulate Wan applied for his visa was located. It was in Guangzhou.

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